If you ask me, the one and only perk of being employed is having an income. Obviously I’m not crazy about my job but it’s nothing new, is it? I was offered a permanent role after my temporary contract ended in February and I’ve been working at the company for nine months now. Believe me, I had wanted to make this job one that I could stay on for a few years but I’ve come to realise that I’m not into the company’s culture. Having said this, I’ll definitely hang on to it for another year at least and start looking out next year.
Anyway, back to the benefit of having a job – the money! I finally replaced my old HTC Tattoo for a new HTC One X three months ago. It was really great not having to deal with lags and factory resets anymore. Not to mention I can finally download all kinds of apps to my heart’s content and take decent pictures with my phone when the need arises.
Speaking of pictures, I also bought a new camera two days ago after weeks of research and deliberation. I’ve always wanted to get a Sony interchangeable lens camera when I first saw the advertisements for the NEX series at a MRT station when Sony first launched them a couple of years ago. At that point, I didn’t think I could afford one seeing how expensive they cost but I had wished I could get it one day to take nicer photos. When I decided it was time to get a new camera, I wasn’t sure whether it would be worth spending so much on a Sony NEX. Afterall I’ve always been a point-and-shoot camera user and I have zero knowledge in photography.
In the end, I decided to go for it since I figured the camera can last me a long time. The only issue was, I had planned to get the NEX-F3 but was “convinced” by the salesperson to get a NEX-5N instead. I’m glad I did though! I’ve been experimenting with it and the quality of the photos is fantastic. DSLR quality photos in a compact body. What’s not to like? I just need more time to familiarise myself with its myriad of features and capabilities.

Pretty in white (purely a coincidence)
I’m especially excited and pleased with the purchase of the camera because I never thought I could own one so soon. I know it sounds silly but being unemployed and broke before can make you feel this way. If not for this job, I definitely wouldn’t be able to get my hands on these new gadgets now. I guess I should learn to be more appreciative of my job.
congrats! have fun with your new toy ๐