Happy Chinese New Year

I haven’t been updating a lot lately due to the CNY festivities. I’d been busy doing spring cleaning last weekend and the next thing I know the CNY long holiday is over (almost). Frankly speaking, I’m taking this a little hard.

I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow!!!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been tied up at work and doing things that I detest doing. When I think of the tasks I have to complete tomorrow, my heart sinks. Urgh, I hate this feeling. How I wish I could go back to last Wednesday.


Anyway, I might not be able to update in the next few weeks or so as I’m changing my webhost and server. Screw SwitchFusion. I hope they get banned and fold up for good before more people get conned. I need to figure out how to do the migration and I hope everything will still be intact when I’m done with it.

In the meantime, here’s wishing everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year. Hope the Year of the Rat brings you more joy and fortune!

2 thoughts on “Happy Chinese New Year”

  1. Oh yes, I’ve signed up with a new webhost. I’m now trying to move my blog over to the new domain. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it done soon!

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