I’m jetting off to Taipei tomorrow! Hooray!

Taipei here I come!
I’m still not done with the packing despite having a day off yesterday. I had hoped to leave the office on the dot to go back to do my packing but look what happened – I’m still here at 7.20pm. I managed to clear most of my work (I think) and I just sent an email to my Assistant Manager for her to follow up on some outstanding tasks. I kinda feel bad about going on leave and leaving all the work to her. Gosh. I think I really need a break. Screw work.
Anyway, I hope the weather isn’t too unbearably cold in Taipei. If I could survive 16 degrees celsius in Melbourne, I should be able to cope with 19-21 degrees in Taipei, right?
Since I’ll be out of Singapore for the next seven days and most likely won’t be able to update my blog, this will be my very last entry for 2008. I really can’t believe the year has gone by so fast. With the new year approaching, it’s time for new resolutions again. I already have a few in mind but I shall write more when I return.
Happy new year to all my faithful readers and here’s wishing everyone a successful and prosperous 2009. Party hard and don’t miss me!
See you all in the brand new year!
Pictures? Must wait a year?